Jean Thompson

I am Jean Thompson (South-Africa, 1962), married, mother of two adult children. I have lived in the Netherlands since 1994. In 2004 I graduated from the Institute for Psychosynthesis in Utrecht (HBO), as a therapist. Since then I have run a private practice. Supervision and peer-supervision form an integral part of my profession. I have been working as a PresentChild® Translator since June 2012 and since 2013 I have worked as a PresentChild Translator Trainer/Mentor. I translated the book ‘het Fluisterkind’ by Janita Venema – founder of the PresentChild® method – into English under the title PresentChild so that people around the world could benefit from its wisdom.

Jean on PresentChild®

When I became a mother I became aware of the deep and valuable bonds between parents and children and how much we can learn from our children. My journey led me to PresentChild®, where I found proof of what I already ‘knew’ somehow deep down. It made perfect sense to train as a PresentChild Translator. The method has also added a valuable new dimension to my work as a therapist. It provides a highly accurate and effective means of uncovering ‘what a problem is really about’. In addition, it reveals clear pointers to the steps that are necessary for positive development and growth.

As a PresentChild® Translator I work with and for parents but also in the interests of children. A new awareness as well as changes that parents make in their own lives have a positive effect on their children. In this way we can help children without treating them directly! What motivates me is the desire to help parents find a deeper understanding in their lives that will guide them on the path to positive development both individually and also in families.

Jean on Psychosynthesis

My own search for answers as well as my ever-increasing wonder at the journey we take through life as human beings led me to Psychosynthesis.
This method enables me to hear your unique story and allows me to shed light on the underlying causes of your problems. This revealing process leads me to a deeper experience and understanding of your personal journey through life. In this way we can investigate the underlying issues affecting your life together. This also enriches my life and I regard it as a privilege to guide people in their personal development.

What does Kwa Nyanga mean?

In Xhosa, kwa means “from” and usually indicates a place. The verb ukunyanga means ‘to heaL’. Kwa Nyanga, therefore, means Place of Healing. It is the name and soul of my practice and way of working.