
PresentChild® teaches parents to look at their experiences and the things that happen to them in a different way. In order to be able to change these in a positive way. As a PresentChild® Translator I translate your story about your child so that you can understand what is happening in your own life. PresentChild® uses the precise power of language to make the message so clear and poignant that parents feel its truth and are deeply touched by it.

PresentChild® is suitable not only for parents but also for other adults who regularly work with children. Remember that, just as our children are ‘PresentChildren’ to us, we too were once ‘PresentChildren’ for our parents. It continues to amaze me how the method, with retrospective effect, provides insight into the messages that we tried to give our parents, a task that has often had a defining effect on certain aspects of our lives.

Would you like to uncover what your child has to tell you about your life? Would you like advice on the pointers your child is giving you? Do you want to help your child and yourself? Then make an appointment for a consultation.

For more information about the PresentChild® method: